Laboratory Information Management Software for Commercial Testing
Unlike other types of laboratories, the “product” that generates revenue for Commercial Testing Laboratories is information. Confience LIMS is the one software tool that can be used throughout the entire process to efficiently and effectively manage the laboratory’s “product” starting with the issue of quotations and ending with delivery of the analytical report and invoice to the customer.

Meeting All Your Commercial Testing Needs
In addition to the standard sample processing features that are common to most laboratories, Confience LIMS provides a host of features that are specifically designed for Commercial Testing laboratories. Some features include:
Test and Test Group Pricelists
Customer-Specific Pricelists
Quotation & Invoicing
Priority-Based Turnaround Time and Charges
Automated Report Distribution via Email
Interfaces to Accounting Systems
Portal for Customer Access to Data and Reports
Once Confience LIMS has been implemented, all other software can go by the wayside because all information will be managed and available within a single application.
Request LIMS DemoPowerful LIMS Functionality
Confience LIMS provides all of the functionality that is required to run a modern laboratory right ‘out-of-the-box’ so you can start using your Confience LIMS software within hours of installation.
Role-Based Security System
Confience LIMS role-based security system can be integrated with Active Directory to limit users to only the information and functionality that is associated with their role within the laboratory to ensure the integrity of your data.
Version-Controlled Configuration Templates
Product specifications, test methods and other information that is subject to re-versioning is managed within Confience LIMS ensure data accuracy and product quality with a full audit trail of all changes that are made.
Multiple Sample Login Options
Samples can be manually created individually or in batches via PC or handheld device to accommodate the workflow of your operation. Creation of samples can also be initiated via interface to 3rd party applications (e.g., ERP systems) to eliminate duplication of effort and user error.
Sample Tracking & Workflow
Laboratory and product workflow status are automatically assigned by Confience LIMS to guide samples to and through the laboratory. Dashboard web parts allow instant access to this information to efficiently monitor lab work and your facility’s production process.
Multiple Results Entry Options
A variety of manual and automated results entry screens and tools allow results to be entered into Confience LIMS in a manner that is natural to your work environment. All data entry provides instantaneous feedback that indicates the quality of the product being tested to allow rapid management decisions.
Test Worklist Management
The ability to create and manage test and instrument-based worklists that intersperse calibration, control, and blank samples while allowing the assignment of duplicate and spike samples (with associated recovery calculations) is included to provide a full contextual representation of data acquisition.
Powerful Calculation Capabilities
Confience LIMS includes a powerful calculation engine that allow both simple and complex calculations to be performed based on the entry of raw data. The use of automated and validated calculations simplifies the entry of result while ensuring that all calculations are accurately and consistently performed.
Data Review & Release
Multiple levels of peer and management review of test, worklist and sample information is provided to ensure that the release of information conforms with your organization’s policies. Multiple levels of approval with electronic signature sign-off is available, if desired.
Instrument Calibration & Maintenance
Confience LIMS includes an instrument/equipment management module that inventories all instruments to automatically schedule maintenance. In addition, all calibration and control information is captured and provides on-going statistical information to ensure the integrity of data that is obtained.
Online SQC/SPC Charting
Statistical evaluation of data using the Western Electric rules is immediately available at the time of results entry that allows process information to be evaluated to avoid production problems. On-line SQC charts can be issued with the click of a button to efficiently monitor historical information.
Integrated Reporting
A variety of site-specific reports are issued by passing information from any page or query to the report by the click of a single button. Reports can be saved in a variety of formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, Word, etc.) to simplify the sharing of information to consumers and allows them to receive the data in the format that is germane to their needs.
Customer Portal
A Portal extension can be added to Confience LIMS that allows customers to create requests and samples prior to shipment to eliminate duplication of effort and transcription errors by the lab. In addition, customers can monitor the progress of their samples and provide on-line access to their samples, test results information and reports.
Barcode Labeling and Tracking
Barcodes can be generated by Confience LIMS within reports and labels and used to positively identify samples via barcode scanner. Barcoding is most frequently used to confirm receipt of samples, transfer samples from department-to-department, load samples into auto sampler trays, and retrieve information on the Confience LIMS pages.
Integrated Audit Trail
Modifications made to all data is recorded within the Confience LIMS audit trail which is essential for organizations that serve regulated industries. The audit trail also allows you to investigate issues that arise when data is erroneously modified.
Quotation & Invoicing
Because the pricing of individual Tests and Test Groups are maintained within Confience LIMS along with customer-specific pricing and prioritization pricing, quotations can be issued to customers from Confience LIMS. In addition, when appropriate (e.g., after the report has been issued), an invoice can be delivered to the customer to reflect the work that was performed by the lab.
Document & File Integration
Documents that represent material specifications and testing methods can be attached to their associated Confience LIMS records to provide instant access during the testing process. In addition, Confience LIMS includes a full document management system that can be used to manage all of your organization’s documents in a controlled manner.