Laboratory Information Management Software for Forensics
Forensic Laboratory Data Management
When your lab manages a myriad of laboratory data – from DNA evidence to police reports to toxicology – the integrity of that data is of the utmost importance. Let us make the case that our flexible, reliable, and secure solution is right for your lab.
Confience LIMS offers your crime laboratory and forensic scientists the total solution, from managing toxicology data and tracking evidence, to organizing SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and other case-related documentation. In today’s economy, there is increasing pressure on analytical laboratories to leverage existing resources without increasing headcount to perform more analyses, maintain high-quality data, and to control costs. These goals are achievable with Confience LIMS, which allows laboratories to manage evidence, toxicology, other analytical data, and all the laboratory-related information, providing a complete file for each case logged into the system. User permissions define who can see what information and who can perform certain tasks within the LIMS. There is a full audit trail to view any changes to the approved data. This requires a reason for the change and records the analyst, date, and time.

Key Features
- Electronic Signatures that can be inserted into workflows that you configure
- Click once deployment for easy installation
- Leverages modern technology and SQL Server for the database engine
- Leverages Windows Authentication
- User Configurable Dashboard
- Confience LIMS Report Writer for easy report creation without programming
- Complete Evidence Management
- Custom form captions to leverage your teams terminology
- Feature Rich LIMS functionality from reagent, instrument and employee training management
- Workflow Designer
- Integrated calculations
- Integrated Chemical Inventory for in-house and commercial reagent management
- Easily link images, SOP’s or other documents by dragging them from the desktop to Confience LIMS

Employee Management
Users can set up employees, their permissions, any training completed and certifications along with expiration dates. Employees that have expired credentials are blocked from entering results into the system until they are re-certified. Electronic copies of training certificates or any other document types (i.e. PDF, DOC, XLS) can be linked to each employee’s record.
Confience LIMS Results Reporting
When conducting analyses in the laboratory, incoming calls to check on sample status or results negatively affect productivity. These calls are disruptive, waste time and can introduce errors by interrupting an analysis.
Result Point was designed to allow those requiring laboratory information on pending cases to retrieve it themselves (24/7), with access to a secure web portal where the data is transmitted encrypted with an electronic server certificate. Use of this software tool greatly diminishes disruptive calls and the time and resources required to print and mail or fax hard copies. Each user of the portal is provided with a user name and password and permissions can be configured as to which case/cases users have permissions to view. This facilitates the flow of information to officers, submitting agencies and others that need access to the laboratory information.
In addition to providing real-time access to crime laboratory data, users can also access PDFs of final reports, Excel sheets, images, notes or other attached files.
The LIMS can automatically email reports to those that need them and then automatically post them to the Result Point portal. As soon as tests are completed, users with permissions can access test results. Once all of the testing is complete and the results have all been validated and approved, the final report is automatically created, converted to a PDF and posted to the secure Result Point portal. Preliminary reports can also be generated from the system if desired. User can access this information from anywhere around the world; all that is required is internet access. This tool greatly increases communication and data sharing between the laboratory team and officers, judges, detectives, prosecutors, public defenders, and anyone else involved in the criminal justice system that requires data access. Result Point saves time and money, promotes efficiency and facilities communication to accelerate legal proceedings.
Confience’s Forensic LIMS
Confience has been automating laboratories for over two decades. Confience’s LIMS have integrated features to help our clients manage and document their analytical testing results. Our Confience LIMS Forensics is a comprehensive data management solution which is fully configurable.
A large part of the workload for a forensic processional involves crime scene investigation management, collection and analysis of samples, and evidence management. It is critical that these functions are executed as quickly, accurately and efficiently as possible and having a flexible, configurable LIMS and a solid automation partner is critical.
Confience’s LIMS Forensics package is a configurable system for forensic clients to better manage key aspects of their laboratory operations from crime scene management to laboratory analysis, to property storage and tracking, to final disposition. Confience LIMS also facilities quality management allowing our customers to save time, maximize resources and facilitate compliance with ISO and ASCLD-LAB standards.
Forensic Laboratory Data Management
From sample login to generating the chain of custody to final reporting users can be assured that the data is secured and user configurable drop down list, customizable form captions, and user definable data grid order, data entry screens can be configured to match the way you work. Data is securely managed in a SQL database in which a user’s access is defined based on their job requirements, by defining their roles and privileges in the system.
- Analytical instrumentation can be integrated into the LIMS to ensure that transcription errors are eliminated and throughput can be accelerated.
- Reports can be automatically generated, emailed and linked to the Result Point web portal for 24/7 data access as well as sample status updates.
- Investigators can linked scanned files, videos, images to better control.
- Leverage Confience LIMS iMobile for field testing, automatically retrieve GIS Coordinates and update the LIMS in real-time.
- A graphical workflow designer works with you and mirrors your sample flow, as business rules change, new workflows can be added or exiting workflows modified.
- Integration with SAS JMP software provides the ultimate statistical analysis tool.
- Fully supports ISO 17025 Compliance with support for managing QA/QC, Corrective and Preventative Actions, Training Records and Instrumentation Maintenance/Calibration.
- Full support for evidence barcode tracking.
- Leverage the Confience LIMS Report Designer to create powerful reports or users can leverage Crystal Reports.
- Full Support for various laboratory disciplines, drop down lists facilitates standardization and manage documentation for audits.
Confience’s Forensic LIMS Overview
Case Management – The central hub from which cases are managed and maintained. Includes: Open Case, Close Case, Case Comments, Send for Analysis, Search Case, Re-open Case, Change Status, View Case Tree, Print Case Report.
Crime Scene Record Management – Used by crime scene investigators. Includes tabs for General Info, Investigators, Offenses, Persons assisting, Scene Safety, Persons Involved, Vehicle Processing, Body Processing, Collected Items, Attachments, CSI Report.
Latent Print Examinations – Consists of applications used during processing of lifts and other latent prints items through the lab.
DNA Analysis – The purpose of DNA Management and the various Life Cycle applications is to track samples analyzed by the DNA unit of a lab. There are four Plate handling steps: DNA Extraction, Quantification, Amplification, and Typing.
Histology – Receive process and report tests for all tissue and cell related evidence.
Ballistics, Firearms and Tool Marks – Used to record weights, distances, guns, calibers, manufacturers, ammo inventory and type, patterns, impressions, ejector marks.
Drugs and Chemistry (Toxicology) – Analyze and manage drug constituents from Urine, Blood, Saliva, Semen, Clothing using instruments such as Gas Chromatographs, AA or ICP. Weight and volume units, subject names and race, locations, communication log, offense categories, and reports.
Trace Evidence – Consistent with Latent Prints workflow for recording other types of materials and associated evidence lifted from crime scene.
Invoicing – Price Lists and Charges for Analyses and Services offered. Allow an agency to manage price lists and charge for the analyses and services they offer, and Invoice Management.
OOTB Reports and Query Tool – Start out with at least 6 to 10 Forensics report in an OOTB solution and a Powerful Query tool.
Dashboards with Gauges and Query Tool – Configurable Forensics Dashboard with various types of selectable gauges and embedded Query Tool to find data fast.