The Confience Platform

Everything you need to accurately gather, track, and analyze data—for an efficient and compliant lab

Illustration of lab information management software on a computer screen with lab equipment around it. Some part of illustration Designed by Freepik (


Automated lab management. Data you can act on.

Confience LIMS empowers you to run an efficient and effective lab with automation, complete and accurate data, an intuitive user experience, and expert support right when you need it.

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Centralized data

Consolidated data that’s secure, protected, and always at your fingertips

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Sample tracking

Keep track from samples from start to finish with barcode support, unique IDs, and more

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Integrated instruments

Data flows seamlessly from your lab instruments to the platform, so you waste no time on manual data entry

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Reporting & analytics

Configurable reports that provide you with real insights about your lab

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Workflow management

Create custom processes or use out-of-the-box workflows for common lab tasks like sample processing and testing

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Responsive support

Connect directly with a Confience team member when you need support and rely on our decades of lab experience

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Intuitive UX

Find what you need quickly, configure workflows, and build dashboards and reports with ease

Best-in-class LIMS, built for your success

See what makes Confience different. Speak with a member of our team.

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