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Optimizing Lab Operations: Integrating Laboratory Instruments And Calculations with LIMS

Laboratories are facing significant competitive pressures to increase productivity with fewer resources, and the primary avenue to achieve this goal is through automation. Laboratory automation includes the integration of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) with equipment such as instrumentation and associated calculations.

In this white paper, you'll learn about this approach and how laboratories can experience the following benefits:

o  Eliminate the need for manual data entry, producing time savings

o  Enhance data quality by removing the potential for transcription errors

o  Reduce resource drain associated with having highly trained analysts performing data entry

o  Assist with regulatory compliance with enforcement of instrument maintenance and calibration information

o  Enable business scalability in terms of throughput and growth

o  Facilitate future changes in workflow with minimized efforts

o  Drive cost savings through improved speed and efficiency across the laboratory

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